Monday, July 27, 2009

Day 30 - A New Week

For the weekend, I visited my family, and like many others, find that going home often involves reverting to old habits. The house was stocked with chips and other temptations of old and I allowed myself to indulge, but not the the same degree as before. When I weighed in, I found I may have added back a pound, but that's hardly a major setback. 

And so, with a new week ahead, a new commitment to a healthy diet.

Breakfast - Fruit, coffee, milk
Lunch  - 350 cal frozen dinner
Dinner - 1 can Progresso soup, large salad, 2 handfuls plain almonds.
Not hungry after dinner :-)


  1. Hey, you're doing great! Weight is a hard one, and you can't get it off until you make the commitment. My husband has recently lost a lot of weight through portion control and cutting back on sodas. It's all about keeping track, and committing to limit yourself.

    I also suggest to people that if they want to lose weight, to become a vegetarian. I lost a ton of weight when I switched over, and I really had none to lose at the time. Although, you still have to fill the void with veggies and fruits, not junk food. These foods digest so much easier, and don't hang around like meat does in our systems.

    Either way, sounds like you're on the right track.

  2. You know, I am not one to starve myself, but I am feeling well on the diet, and energy level is good, when I get sleep, which is an unavoidable fact of life as an OB.
    When I grab some nuts as a snack I am getting at least 2-300 calories. If I have had a decent meal and am still hungry, I fill up on raw veggies or fruit, eating until I feel satisfied.
    The biggest thing I am not doing is eating high calorie snacks after dinner. That is cutting at least 1000 cal a day from my old diet, which I think accounts for most of the weight loss.
    At present I am down almost 15 pounds and can see it and feel it.
    Thanks for the concern though! ;-)


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