Monday, July 13, 2009

Day 16 - Hectic workday, nothing special diet

On Sunday I made the mistake of not going to the grocery to plan some good meals for the week. One of the things that made the last 2 weeks easy was having lots of easy to prepare, healthy food available. I need to remember that. 
Breakfast was the usual cereal with nuts and berries - I feel like the guy in the old Grape Nuts commercial, or a bear. Still, I have eaten breakfast every day for the last 2 weeks, and that is surely a record.
Lunch was a scarfed down organic tamale - healthy enough but eaten too fast between tasks to enjoy it.
Dinner was likewise on the move. I ran through the hospital cafeteria on the way home to take my son to T-ball. I had hoped to find several nice veggies to make a healthy dinner, but all they had was sauteed zucchini, so I got a triple portion. My thin wife is not on a diet so I grabbed her a chicken sandwich and fries. 
The zucchini alone was not satisfying enough, so I ate about a quarter of her sandwich and fries, which weren't so good as to make me want to clean the plate. 
Overall, not a bad day, but with more planning would have been more satisfying, dietwise.

I did hop on the scales this morning hoping to see sub 230, but I was the same 232 that I was on Thursday or Friday. A little discouraging, as I was losing so fast in the beginning, but that is the trap of dieting - easy initial weight loss with a plateau. Need to ramp up the exercise, but its 11PM and all I have done is toss the baseball around with my son for 15 min - his limit. Not exactly what the doctor ordered. 
Will do some stretching before bed, just to feel like I have done something. Plan to do better tomorrow. (famous last words...)

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