Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 26 - Getting blogged down

So despite my lack of posting this week, I have still managed to stay very mindful of what I put in my mouth, and continue to lose weight, a total of 12 pounds so far. The biggest differences are portion size and choice of snacks. I have avoided seconds of entrees at dinner, but have allowed myself additional portions of veg if unsatisfied. These have been mostly steamed, so very low cal, and I do love 'em. Snacks have been mostly unsalted nuts (the salt encourages overeating I have found), fresh fruit, salads, etc, instead of cookies, dinner leftovers, chips, etc. From my weight loss I must be consuming at least 1500 cal a day less than before, which says more about what I was eating then, than how much I am eating now. 

I truly did not believe I was capable of this kind of discipline about my diet, as I have been using food as a comforter, especially when my schedule has not allowed other recreation.  So the blog has helped my awareness greatly, and I need to keep it up, for the sake of maintaining the new changes.

Hopefully I will eventually get some comments on the blog, if only to let me know someone else is reading, to keep me on track. That sounds like begging I know, but it does feel a bit like sending messages in a bottle! 

Will be going out of town and off line for the weekend, so thats my excuse for the next few days, but will put up a decent post on Sunday.

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