Sunday, July 12, 2009

Day 15 - "So Doc, what about exercise?"

I decided in the beginning of this experiment, that 1 major life change at a time was enough. I didn't feel I could cope with sore muscles on top of being a bit hungry. Now, 2 weeks into it, I am pretty settled into my diet routine, and not suffering from any significant cravings. 
Therefore, today I am going to start Phase 2 of my weight loss plan, increasing my daily exercise. This should be pretty easy to do since recently I have been getting almost nil.
I started last night with some upper body exercises with a couple 20 pound dumbells that I have had for years. I simply did some curls, military presses, triceps extensions and pullovers while watching a movie, enough to feel it this AM.
Being that its a Sunday, I decided to put my workout to practical use, and mowed the yard with an old fashioned push mower. We have 2 of these, an Agri-Fab Silent Reel (pictured) and a Sunlawn. Both of these are modern mowers, much easier to use than anything your parents or grandparents may have owned, an make the job a snap, if the grass isn't too long.  All of the good ones are a bit pricey, but keep in mind, they always start, don't require gas, and will last decades if cared for. I found the Agri-Fab on ebay, like new, for about $70 shipped. 
To cut the entire yard takes me about an hour with this mower, compared with 45 min with the powered walk behind one. A good basic workout, cheaper than a gym membership and makes my wife very happy. Plus you can do it at 6AM on Sunday morning if so inclined and no one will complain!

Addendum - I did a little research and pushing a reel mower as above burns about 2.5 cal per pound body weight, so over 500 cal per hour for someone like me. This is about the same as walking 4 miles per hour. Additionally, I used a pedometer, which showed about 2500 steps.
Just thought you might like to know.

Breakfast - cereal with fruit & nuts, skim milk.
Morning snack - banana
Lunch - fruit & nuts (not enough)
Dinner - large bowl pasta (4 oz dry) with fresh spinach and tomato sauce, nutmeg & parmesan added

Exercise - mowed yard with self powered mower - 1 hour

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